We had a doctor (general practice) who converted to jw from the territory in my congregation about 5 years ago. That's one I've known of in 15 years a jw.
Julia Orwell
JoinedPosts by Julia Orwell
How many *educated* adults are being converted into the Jehovah's Witnesses nowadays?
by EdenOne inthe other day i was sitting in one of those meetings where the public talk was absolutely mind-dumbing.
by minute 5 i couldn't take it anymore paying further attention to what was being said, so my mind wandered.
i looked around to my own kh and started to notice something.
Worry Over Possible "Spying Elders"
by abbasgreta inthis seems to be a real worry for 'faders' on a number of threads.
the responses to ducati's first posting.
is a good example.
Julia Orwell
I've worried about it and I guess I still do. Haven't had any though. We moved, just in case.
What's the difference between exJWs who FLOURISH and those that don't?
by Fernando inquite a few here on jwn seem to have grown and developed in leaps and bounds, sometimes beyond their wildest dreams.. others seem to still be struggling.. what do you think makes it possible to flourish?.
the degree to which our mind has been liberated from watchtower thinking?.
if so, this seems to happen in many different ways, so what is the secret?.
Julia Orwell
Maybe how much you get to know yourself has something to do with it, as well as support from family and that. Also having the ability to set your own standards rather than needing to have it set for you. This also has to do with gaining confidence in yourself and your ability to develop judgement.
Julia Orwell
That's it, they are being paid to offer customer service, not be your best friend. The up shot is, they're a terrible witness to the manager and other workers, and other customers too. Anyone who knows about it will think twice before taking magazines offered at their doors by smiling, well-dressed well-spoken people on a Saturday morning.
by The Searcher inhow much did your congregation and its bank account get taken for?
share your horror story!.
Julia Orwell
Well Kaik's information is second hand and so is yours...it's a 'he said she said" situation. Whoever is right, it's besides the point. The point is, th governing body is becoming more and more like the thing it claims to be the opposite of, that is, other Christian religions, especially Roman Catholics.
They are more focussed on the EVENT or ACTIVITY, rather than the substance of the information presented
by stuckinarut2 inhave you noticed how the org, and individuals are more concerned about the actual event such as the international conventions, rather than the content of the program?.
i often shake my figurative head (ok, literal one too!
), as i see the all the hype being generated by the act of attending, and think that most are not actually interested in the stuff that will be presented, but are more concerned about simply being there or getting there..... and, they are more focussed on the activity of a campaign, such as a tract work, or invitation hand out, rather than the actual content of the material.. .
Julia Orwell
Gosh so glad I don't have to go to Melbourne for the assembly! Not that I don't like Melbourne but in summer at peak season, dragging my carcass around in meeting clothes...drag. all the sisters are just excited to have an excuse to shop in Australia's fashion capital.
They are more focussed on the EVENT or ACTIVITY, rather than the substance of the information presented
by stuckinarut2 inhave you noticed how the org, and individuals are more concerned about the actual event such as the international conventions, rather than the content of the program?.
i often shake my figurative head (ok, literal one too!
), as i see the all the hype being generated by the act of attending, and think that most are not actually interested in the stuff that will be presented, but are more concerned about simply being there or getting there..... and, they are more focussed on the activity of a campaign, such as a tract work, or invitation hand out, rather than the actual content of the material.. .
Julia Orwell
It's all a circus to keep them busy. How else did they hold us in for so long? By not giving us a second to sit and think.
Voluntary Donations - Not Really Mentioned Anymore?
by baldeagle inmy active jw wife has gone to all meetings, assemblies, memorials, and service groups by herself after i faded off the radar about 5 years ago.
i asked her this past saturday as she prepared to join another sister from the kh for the service group regarding, voluntary donations.
i inquired if publishers still mention this to the householder when placing literature.
Julia Orwell
That arrangement started in Australia in 2000 and I remember them telling us about asking for money (which most jws never did because it's just awkward asking strangers for a religious donation in a society in which talking religion is somewhat taboo) then later saying only mention the donation if the householder asks if the crap they take costs anything. It was still like that 1.5 years ago when I was still in.
They are more focussed on the EVENT or ACTIVITY, rather than the substance of the information presented
by stuckinarut2 inhave you noticed how the org, and individuals are more concerned about the actual event such as the international conventions, rather than the content of the program?.
i often shake my figurative head (ok, literal one too!
), as i see the all the hype being generated by the act of attending, and think that most are not actually interested in the stuff that will be presented, but are more concerned about simply being there or getting there..... and, they are more focussed on the activity of a campaign, such as a tract work, or invitation hand out, rather than the actual content of the material.. .
Julia Orwell
Yep. It was always a big social event and pageant for me. The talks were always boring and degrading.
Anyone recall a time when your congregation came to the aid of a Brother or sister in need??
by jam ini'm not talking about a individual, but a congregation as a whole.. i'm talking about a brother or sister that really hit hard times.. have there ever been an occasion where the brothers (elders).
decided to dip into the kh funds and help one in need????.
example, brother loose his job, get evicted, family of four or.
Julia Orwell
We had a cake sale and combined garage sale to raise money for an elder's medical procedure once. Nothing ever from the kh funds. Most jws don't even know there are any except for those to pay the bills.